Tazmania Fan Review. The event kicked off around 3 o’clock . And after half an hour of chatting and plenty of cigarettes the first battle. Pre-Phikz vs Remarcable started. (which was moved up to the main card from the LBL card held before the event a couple days before)
Pre-Phikz vs Remarcable
Remarcable won the coin toss and decided to go first (cause he’s a G!!!). After a barrage of bars he then proceeded to break down Pre-Phikz’s rapping style. And his occupation and so forth, Pre-Phikz then went next and entered into beast mode. Delivering a heap of bars hitting on point and then went on to say how he is the best MC on Champion Records. (A label they are both signed to). And how Remarcable peaked too early with his craft and timing on stepping into battling. This was a great kick off battle from two local dudes that got the opportunity on sheer coincidence.
TAS vs VIC battles
We then got straight into the next battle and the first of four of the remaining TAS vs VIC battles, Mr Muller vs Rorshak. Muller went straight into Rorshak saying how he needs to differentiate himself from Skandal. His usual comedic/sharp approach but also added a more aggressive delivery into his bars and even slapped off Rorshak’s hat. That drew a few “ooooohhhhhs” from the crowd. Rorshak came with his usual outrageous content that drew disgust-induced laughter from the crowd.
There was a heckler in the crowd that could have thrown off Rorshak . But it didn’t he then proceeded to say that Muller needed to get off the dick of certain rappers in Tassie. And said he would be nowhere with rap if he left Tassie. (I don’t agree with or endorse any material from any battles with the views of other battlers). This battle had an up and down vibe but the crowd was satisfied by the end of the battle. Tazmania Fan Review.
Tazmania Fan Review
After a 10-15 minute smoke break, we got into the second TAS vs VIC battle. Statik vs Nomadic (back story for this. Statik was originally scheduled to battle Cronik but Cronik had work commitments so thankfully. Nomadic stepped up with three weeks prep). Nomadic came with outrageous bars that drew laughter after pretty much every one bar. Including saying Statik’s non-existent girlfriends TV antenna has dodgy reception. And proceeding to tell the crowd that wasn’t the punchline after they laughed hysterically at it. Which therefore drew more hysterical laughter.
Nomadic then said he needed to give props to the best rapper in Tassie. For his achievements, his grind and such and just when we thought it was Statik. Nomadic extended his hand he then abruptly turned and shook Dunn D’s hand to an exceptional reaction. He then said that I (Chip) fucked Statik’s mum then pulled me in and had me face against my own league champ. While he said Statik battled a guy named Chip but Statik looks like a potato.
Statik instantly struck back with his rounds by first calling out a particular MC (I won’t say who until the footage drops). And followed up with a very Tasmania-based first round including “1OUTS what!? (Cuts like a knife) but this Tasmanian rather bring the axe down like David Foster”. In his following rounds came with bars about Nomadic’s Italian heritage and only had four bars about Nomadic’s voice. It was a very strong performance from both MC’s and has my vote for battle of the day. Tazmania Fan Review.
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Tazmania Fan Review
After a 5-10 minute break while the cameras had the batteries changed. And we needed time to recover from rib pain from Nomadic’s comedy barrage. We got into the second last battle of the day, Vokal vs Mason. (Before the battle Greeley brought up a finalist from. Bogan Hunters to the stage and he watched the battles on the stage with us for the remainder of the event). Vokal was shown a lot of love from his hometown, being a veteran of the hip-hop scene. He came with a personal and bars-based approach, bringing up Mason’s stints in a psych ward. Saying he’s only doing the battle as a favour to Greeley and Dunn D. He also dissed Decoy for not releasing battle footage from a past event.
Mason made the mistake of starting off with Tassie jokes against someone like Vokal. The crowd refused to give any decent reaction through the rest of the battle. Which was a shame, as Mason had some very on point and dope bars. Forgive the short review of this battle my mind is in a bit of haze and blur on account of this battle. As I was aware of how hot and stuffy it was in the room at this point of the event.
Dunn D v Barry Bonza
That being said, we then got straight into the much anticipated main event between hometown hero Dunn D and 1OUTS Australia co-founder and NZ native Barry Bonza. Dunn D battling in front of his home crowd for the first time in four years. Then, Dunn D came with his usual and unique brand of comedy. And made a fair few local references to compare to Bonza to a near-explosive reacting crowd. Very entertaining Kiwi jokes and old man bars that Bonza had to deal with. And nearly caused an earthquake on the stage simply by calling Bonza a rock spider.
The crowd was out in full force for Dunn D. But Bonza was not to be shot down coming straight back at Dunn D with jokes about Dunn D’s tattoos. How he looks like Tokie Konez. His bogan tendencies and how Dunn’s mates may have charges. But Dunnaz doesn’t then proceeded to come with backhanded gun bars much to the avail of myself. This battle was probably one of the best in Australian history. And a great way to cap off a very great and enjoyable event. Tazmania Fan Review.
cheers for reading cunts.
By Caleb Seymour